Thursday, March 21, 2013

all eggs in one basket(well one follicle)

I went to the RE this morning fearing bad news. I went in had my blood drawn and ultrasound which showed a lining of 11 and follicle on left 13 and follicle on right 25!!! Holy crap!!! I left the RE with a big smile on my face and nervousness in my belly. I want this to work I need this to work. I drove my husband car their and popped in a random cd and it had our wedding song on it, Shania Twain and Lionel Richie Endless Love this is so about what me and my husband are. Together as young teenagers separated for a decade and reunited to make a family of our own.

If anyone deserves this it;s my husband who beside my father is the greatest man I have ever known. He is the best dad to my children and has the biggest heart and is full of love. His love for me is endless. He wants this so bad sometimes I think more than me!!! He will be a great dad and to know the joy he will get to raise a child of his own from birth its makes my heart flutter.
                                                                   Then circa 1996
Now my RE office just called and they have scheduled me for an IUI???? Excuse me pardon me come again. Was totally taken aback by this and my husband has work on Saturday so I have to drive back up to the RE office and pick up solution to keep his men alive!!!! That sucks and i  have to get up an hour earlier then he has to be up to get the solution to room temperature!!!! I hate that I have to go alone but there is no other choice. Now I feel like this HAS to work!! Putting all my dreams,hopes,egg,follicles in this basket!!!!

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