The definition of jealous is
Adjective: |
- Feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages.
- Feeling or showing suspicion of someone's unfaithfulness in a relationship.
This is what I am feeling. I had to endure another girl who is pg at work and wasn't trying just got married and blah blah blah. I am happy for her but at the sametime equally jelaous. I can not be fake and say I am so happy and not jealous at all I would be lying to myself. I am jealous plain, pure and simple. Downright JEALOUS. I forgot to mention my best friend who I work with is pg also and I would have been due two weeks before her. So I get to see her go through something I should of been going through at the same time, what joy for me. Did I forget to mention she wasn't trying also? WTF. I have done everything gotten married, have a house, in a great place in my life. It just isn't fair. I hate hearing it will happen when it will. Well when, I feel like I am waiting in line for my number to be called and I do not have the patience. God left out that attribute out when creating me. I want this so bad I could boil over. I hate that at work I have to hear woman say I didn't want this pg, have 3 kids and one on the way and be like 21. UGHHHH!!!! When will my number be called?

Onto other news I start my first round of 50mg clomid tomorrow yay for moving through the cycle!!!!
Well till next time GL and baby dust to all and to all a good night!!!!
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