Tuesday, February 19, 2013

busy bee

Well this past weekend was fun filled and labor intensive!!! On Friday night me and hubby chaperoned Valentine's dance!! Was a lot of fun good amount of kids turned out!!! Then Saturday had to take my girls down to the Basilica of St Peter and Paul so they get make all of their sacraments on Easter Vigil mass. Hubby couldn't make it he had to work. So that was a long day and mass!! Came hone ordered some pizza and vegged out knowing tomorrow was going to be busy. On sunday we laid a subfloor down in the kitchen and my body is still hurting!!! Then I am usually off on Mondays and had to work and all I wanted was to lay in bed sll day. So here I am on my day off running errands for the PTA .
On TTC waiting to ovulate will probably start taking opk tomorrow I don't expect to ovulate until end of the week.

1 comment:

  1. When my husband and I did laminate floors in our house, I thought it was going to kill me. Talking about feeling muscles I never thought I had :)
